This Comment on Sexuality got me Banned from a Subreddit called Incel Exit

What happens on Reddit when you give good advice to people? Usually, there’s going to be haters who are going to throw temper tantrums because they can’t achieve the things in their lives that you can, so they want to “crabs in a bucket” you and pull you down.

This will even happen a lot of times with moderators in these groups. They will cite arbitrary rules and keep spamming you about how you’re breaking them, and then eventually ban you because you’re not paying enough attention to them. I find it hilarious, like I get threatened by a guy who moderates a group called Incel Exit and I’m supposed to feel like, “oh my God my life is over!?”

The irony of being kicked out of a group of losers. And I don’t mean all of them are losers, but what you will find is that if you give them positive information to try and lift them up, you get a couple of those people that got to come in and will start trying to tell you why you’re a bad person and you’re wrong and you don’t know what you’re talking about, and it all centers around how they do not want you to rise up and they don’t want anybody else to rise up above their current setbacks in life.

The moderator of the group kept spamming me with these warnings, and then finally when I wasn’t paying attention he banned me.

I finally sent this message:

Banned by an Incel

Oh he tried to come back with something about why would I write I didn’t care if I didn’t care, which is some nerd come back that they’re starting to use these days – if you tell someone you don’t care, when they’re sitting there trying to jump up and down to get your attention, apparently that means they got to you somehow?

And you may think by reading this that’s what the purpose of this whole post is… That I’m bothered by it. No I think it’s actually interesting because that means whatever I shared there is so abhorred by people who are incels that it must be shared to people who are interested in improving their sexuality.

Before I share it though I do want to say one word on incels. I don’t hate them, I don’t even dislike them. But I think there’s a problem with incels who are stuck being incels and refuse to do anything to try and change. Even more so, if you’re so stuck in that mindset that you get mad at for trying to give you real world, workable advice to help you out of it, that’s a problem. Yes, people need to make fun of you and they need to ridicule you so you stop acting like that. I don’t believe that there is one guy out there on Earth who can’t get sex if they really want to put their mind to improving themselves and their lives. Looks won’t hold you back, money won’t hold you back, status in life won’t hold you back, nothing will hold you back if you really put your mind and apply yourself to improving your sexual marketplace value. If you get a chronic illness, if your hospitalized, if there’s something seriously wrong in your life physically that holds you back and then I get it. Because that really sucks, but if you’re a healthy individual and the only thing holding you back is fear, and a mindset that says that you’re a loser, that can be changed. 100%

But, the world has become increasingly more jaded towards sex and sexuality and I’ll talk about that in my comment, which I might as well get to right now and stop blah blahing about with all this nonsense… So without further ado:


The Question: Is it ok to show your masculine, sexual side right away?

My response:

As someone who has dated and had sex with a lot of women I can tell you a saying that we had, and that is me and other guys I knew who were dating a lot of women.

This won’t be popular in this modern age of white nights, social justice warriors, feminists and wokelings, but it’s the truth.

“The real stuff doesn’t even happen until after sex.”

In other words, a girl will be her representative, you’re only going to get sort of a surface level version of her, until after you are sexually intimate. Once you’re sexually intimate, all bets are off, and she’s going to feel completely comfortable being exactly who she is around you because it’s pretty much gone as far as things can go sexually. And she has nothing more to hide.

Yes I’m sure there’s probably going to be exceptions but overall that’s the truth.

Sex is natural, sex is normal, sex is good, consenting adults, and I don’t even mean consenting where you have to ask each other permission or fill out forms or any of that nonsense, I just mean two adults who like each other and decide to get a little down and dirty, is a natural and healthy expression.

Think about it like this. No one reading this, and I mean there’s zero exceptions to this, there’s absolutely no one reading this or commenting in this post, whose parents didn’t have sex with each other, and whose parents parents didn’t have sex with each other and whose parents parents parents didn’t have sex with each other and on and on and on and on and on.

It’s literally a part of life.

Social programming has made people feel like it’s weird, wrong, creepy, and then replaced it with this weird digital age crap where girls get jaded and think that the internet and getting likes on Instagram and only fans, and making videos of them sticking things in their butthole for everyone to see, but can’t hold a relationship with any guy is some sort of empowerment. Meanwhile guys are creeping out online, paying for only fans, watching too much porn, and now at this point, men from millennials on down to generation z are having less sex than any time in history.

That’s NOT normal.

And I’m not a red pill guy. I think the red pill guys stay stuck in angry and frustrated mode and think that women are the enemies. I don’t I love women!

Red pill is like stage 1 out of 10 as far as growing and becoming the type of person women want to be with, a guy capable of having a healthy relationship. So red pill is a stage but unfortunately it’s a stage that a huge portion of guys get caught at, thinking like Andrew Tate that being a creepy dude who doesn’t trust women, but acts like it’s a form of empowerment, is somehow a good thing.

It’s two sides of the same coin.

You got the overly jaded feminist types everyone lining up to call themselves sex workers.

And you got the over the top guys, who are still afraid of women and angry at them and mistrustful of them, but think that somehow trying to reject women first, makes them cool or some part of the manosphere or powerful or whatever.

They both suck.

And then there’s you guys who are still trying to figure it out, but at least you’re trying to figure it out. I hope many people reading this haven’t given up. I know some have, but there’s a way out I can promise you. No one in this group and I know there’s going to be a lot of people who get mad at me for saying this, but no one in this group is helpless and incapable of getting a love life.

Let me end my rambling post with little bit of wisdom from someone who passed on. A wise soul.


And of course HERE Comes the haters. I think both of the comments are written by women, which for some reason they’re going to be in that group trying to help guys stay sexless. I don’t know why girls do that. I think that maybe there’s a part of them that does want to help and nurture in some way, but, what they’ll do is they will talk trash or hate on anything that actually works. I don’t know why that is. Western women are very strange. They don’t want men to succeed. If they know 100% that there’s some way that a man can be attractive to them that doesn’t fall into whatever the mainstream tells you, if it’s something that they might think is manipulative in a sense, or will trick them into liking a guy, they will try and crush it. Which is ironic because 90% of women’s lives are trying to put on makeup and wear different outfits and push their boobs up and do everything they can to try and look attractive for a man. And then they’ll even tell you that’s not why they’re doing it. I even saw a goofy chick on tiktok the other day claiming that she tried to put on makeup and make herself look hot so that guys wouldn’t approach her because they would be afraid of how good she looks.

“I don’t know why but I keep finding myself trying to imagine what you look like without makeup…” ~A neg by Mystery that puts an end to her game plan.

If you want to see the replies from the haters, let me know in the comments. There’s only two haters and then the third hater was the moderator of the group who just incessantly spammed me about breaking these rules that I don’t care about. But the moderator and myself both know why he or she was really doing it and that’s because my advice triggered him or her. But the post is getting long so I don’t want to keep elaborating on the details unless someone really wants to know. Also, feel free to give me your thoughts on the advice I gave to the guy. I’m always interested in what people think. Until next time guys and girls…

Day2 Scrum – Dating How-To Mini Guide for Men

This is a scrum of ideas I posted once, and is more based on a guy who already has a decent skillset, is getting dates, knows all the basics, but is having some trouble when it comes to converting Day2s into a close.  If you are looking for a complete date guide this might not be for you.  There are plenty of guides and sources out there you can learn the basics from.  Sometimes we gotta step things up for the guys who are maybe a tiny bit more on the experienced side.

First of all, let’s get right into the basics – NO DINNER!!!!

It becomes too much of an interview.  Food makes people tired.  You will become the next guy who took her out to eat.  I have heard several women tell me they will go out with a guy at least once to get a ‘Free Meal’ even if they’re not sure they like you.

So NIX the food for the most part, unless you want to save a few bucks and do a Byob!  In that case make sure you make it clear to her, “I’m not really that hungry but I could nibble on something.  Let’s go get an app to share.”  or something like that.  Don’t make FOOD the central theme.

I’m telling you.  The times I spend the most money are the times I DO NOT get laid.  You have to be careful with some girls.  They will eat and drink and want you to spend your money and get mad if you don’t.

There is one time that comes to mind that a girl got pissed because she offered to pay and I let her but if you got a chick like that, who fucking cares.  You want her to want you, not want what you can pay for.

But BALANCE this.  Don’t be a stingy, cheapass either.  It’s tough sometimes, but it takes social calibration.  If you invite someone out to drinks it doesn’t make sense to say, “I just invited you here to drink but now you have to pay for your own shit.”

It’s like my friend in Highschool who would had a car and would call me and say, “hey man, I’m going to ‘such and such’ a place.  You should come with me!” and then once we were rolling he would ask for Gas Money.

Girls talk about everything!  They will talk to you with their friends and people whom you’ve never met and if you come across as a cheap ass to even one of those friends you’re done.

FOOD Exceptions:

The 2 exceptions that come to mind that involve day2s and Food or Dinner are as follows:

1.  You can meet a girl to a bar WALKING DISTANCE by your place, grab some appetizers to nibble, making sure you nibble light and she doesn’t slam down the food.  Then you have maybe 1 drink and nibble the food and say, “Hey, let’s go check out this other place.” Make sure you get a doggy bag for the food and take it with you. On the way to the next place, you say, “I don’t want to carry this around all night…  I’m gonna drop this in my fridge real fast.”

Then you walk with her to your place, and assuming things are going ok and she actually likes you, she comes in with you.  First thing you do is put the food in the fridge, pour her a glass of wine and yourself, NOT FULL, just like half a glass so it doesn’t seem like you are pre-planning this, but at the same time it’s enough where she will have to take a minute to drink it, then start chatting.  You don’t have to get right on top of her shit, you can sit a few feet away at first, and, AS ALWAYS, make sure that she is hopefully sitting somewhere positioned where she can EASILY get to the door and YOU ARE NOT BLOCKING her path.  Why?  Because subconsciously this sends a message to her that you’re the safe, cool, not needy guy you are, and that you are SAFE.  You want a girl to be and feel safe at all times, even in the subtlest ways, because a guy who gets plenty of ass and loves women would do most of these thing unconsciously.  That’s why women love him… 😉

Then you can escalate.

2.  Dinner at your place – You make her DINNER.  For me, this usually means going classy style.  Sure, you can cook some bullshit and it can do the trick, but honestly there was something I heard on a Joe Rogan Podcast (if anyone knows about the specifics of that podcast like which one it is, feel free to let me know in the comments) where these guys talked about how if you feed a woman certain things that it can release certain feelings in her like, “Wow, this food is so amazing that life must be abundant, safe, awesome, fantastic – I can relax and breed.”  In that case the guy talked about making some home made ice cream that was really rich – maybe paleo with a lot of creme or butter or something, I can’t recall.

But in MY case, I like to approach this from multiple sides.  A.  I will make her cocktails if I can, or have red wine if you’re not that creative or feeling lazy.  Not white wine.  White wine reminds women of brunch or hanging out with their friends.  Red wine is seductive, has a nice warm buzz, and is associated with romance and sex and being naughty.  But if you have cocktail skills, like I do, then you can REALLY wow her and make some badass, classy cocktails. I like something like an Espresso Martini, or maybe an Old Fashioned, or if it’s winter you can get her really wet and make a Blue Blazer.  Basically something she can sip on and enjoy, not shots or bullshit party drinks.  Yes, you can make her margaritas or some nonsense but you’re not hanging out with some sloppy club slut and getting ready to do lines of coke..  I mean if you are then that’s a completely different style of game, and this whole post is irrelevant.  But if you are a classy, seductive guy then …  keep it classy.

Then B. Have her help you cook.  Don’t have her just sitting there like you’re her servant and she’s waiting to see how you can impress her.  You’re going to impress her anyway.  I like to make Carbonara.  I might have her cut garlic or bacon or something.  Pretend it’s like you’re on a cooking show.  Have fun with it.  Correct her. “Cut the bacon a bit smaller/larger.  Wait, you have to slice the garlic like ‘this’.”  But do it in an interactive, light hearted, fun way. Think James Bond.

C.  Again, I like to make Carbonara because it seems to have that effect.  All that cream, and cheese and pasta and bacon are going to go right to her brain and announce to her body, “Holy shit.  Life is AMAZING.  We are safe.  We are in the perfect position to rest, relax and even mate.  Let’s do it!”  All that goodness is going to release the itis and if you are escalating while you have been cooking and even eating, but not all hardcore or sloppy like, she will be DTF or at least get the heavy fool around going down.

Ok, enough about food.  PS. I don’t recommend LEARNING how to escalate or close the deal by practicing with food dates.  Newer guys will most likely be a bit clumsy to deal with all the details.

Out on the Town:

Now then if you’re out and about and not doing the dinner thing.  Bounce to 2 places ONLY.  GO NEAR YOUR PLACE!!!!  Nope, seriously.  It’s easier.  Yes you can close at random places but why make it hard on yourself?  Choose a place that is moderately busy but with some people.  DON’T pick a very busy place.  Keep the distractions to a minimum

Venue 1 – Drink 1 Drink ONLY.  Do not get seconds.  If she goes to order a second drink then politely cut her off and suggest, “Actually let’s get a drink somewhere else.  There’s this other cool place I wanna check out.”

Venue 2 – Drink maybe two at the most.  Do not let her get too many drinks in her.  Trust me.  If you can keep it low then you’re good to go.  I recently had a day2 where the chick had too much wine and from 1 bar to the next she INSTANTLY went from Liking me A LOT, kissing, sexual fun vibe, to BITCH because she was an angry drunk.   That reminds me:  DO NOT SIT AT THE BAR.

Read that again.


Find a booth or a nice quiet little table.  Get intimate and private.  No distractions.  .

Ya (guys may argue with this but that’s because they’re trying to sound cool) the problems associated with sitting at the bar are…

Distractions from TV
Distractions from girls
Distractions from guys
Distractions from couples
Distractions from Bartenders
If she is a shit tester she may try to get the bartender to side with her during a debate – Guy or Girl bartender will most likely side with her just because…
She may feel more uncomfortable kinoing or getting a sexual vibe going at the bar.

PS – My day 2 game is AMAZING.  I feel than almost any chick I get out with me will end up naked in my bed.  NOW there are always exceptions to this rule but I have a high consistency rate because I am always learning from every little tiny mistake or contingency that takes place…  So the point is that YES you can be cool and do all this stuff however you want but I am trying to make things EAZY to get to point A to point F.

So make it easier.  After Venue 2 head to venue 3…  (by the way this is easier if you are walking the who time, not driving) but on the way to this imaginary venue 3 make up an excuse you need to stop at your place.

Restroom and the bar’s is gross…
maybe you do order a little food and don’t want to carry the box around all night. (like we mentioned above)

Make it light and make it random.

Have wine on hand or some other alcohol.  music is good too.  “i’ll be just a minute…  Want some wine?”

If she’s there she’s on but it’s still up to you.  You have to play cool.

Push and pull and vibe her.  If you get close and are touching and the sexual tension is hot and she gets a little uncomfortable, pull away and move away from her nonchalantly.  You should actually be push-pulling kino from the get go of the entire day2.

Let me see if I can break down my day 2 game in a very basic form:

Talk, Talk, Touch, Grope, Talk, Talk, More Groping, Talk about Groping and Touching, Tell her I like her and WHY (the most important part, but the part so easy to forget – “You know why I like you? Because not only are you incredibly sexy but you (mention things you like about her personality), more groping (when I say groping I mean groping. Legs, stomach, back, ass, boobs, yes all in public and blatant. For a buffer you can always entrap her into starting it if you get the opportunity i.e. She goes to put her arm around your back and on the way brushes your ass. You say, “You trying to grab my ass?” She will probably protest. You say, “No it’s ok, Go ahead.” with a smile. Once she does it, it’s game on.) Talking is a buffer for you to touch her. I didn’t get this for such a long time. The key is getting over your fear of touching her and just going. I EVEN get my hands pushed away several times on date. I used to think that was bad. It’s NOT.

Pitfall and Contingency: 

I forgot to mention I do tend to overuse preselection in my talking. Preselection is powerful shit. If you thread your stories with adventures of you and other girls she will know you’re a sexy guy it’s ok to get down with. Of course, like anything, it can be overused. On last nights date I came up with the PERFECT way to reframe once she calls me on it. What I’m saying is, I want to thread myself as a guy who gets action and dates alot. ONCE a chick starts to like you she will say something like, “I don’t want to hear about all these other girls.” So last night I said, “Good. I’m glad it took you this long to actually say that, because I had to make sure you weren’t going to be one of those creepy, jealous, cling-on chicks. It took you a while to call me out on talking about other girls so that’s good.” And then you do not have to do preselection stories anymore. She knows you’re a hot stud. 😉 Now kiss her on her face and put your arms around her and grab her ass with both hands.

I feel like I want to elaborate on getting my hands pushed away AND it being ok. Mostly experienced guys can skip this. This part is for newer guys. If she is OBVIOUSLY not happy when you touch her and she is pushing your hands away like, “get off me creep.” then, in that case it is NOT ok to keep touching her, but most likely she will leave anyway. If she does like it she may still give you shit but she’ll probably be smiling when she removes my hand from her boob, call me bad (i love to hear this) or at the very least she will have an unemotional, straight face and say something more aggressive like, “You sure touch alot.” HERE’S the screen I’m looking for. IF she says she doesn’t like it when guys touch her – she means she’s doesn’t like it when YOU touch her. Say, “that’s too bad cuz I love touching.” And if she has a problem with it, well in this case it’s ok to use the term NEXT.  Why waste time on the Mic? But also this is a good way to learn to fractionate a little when you first start touching her.

This is my little scrum of thoughts on a good day2.  By no means in this a complete guide but, perhaps, it will help you to fill in some holes you may have.  Maybe newer guys will hurt their head a little reading this but for you guys who have been out there, I’m pretty sure a lot of these things will make sense to you.

Good luck!